Information about Hajj

Information about Hajj
Hajj in the language means the purpose of the great thing and its end, and in Islam means the purpose of Mecca, to perform rituals with the intention of worship to God, and in the specific season of each year, one of the best worship at the Lord of the Worlds, comes back from the Hajj as a new baby, It is an educational journey in which the pilgrim learns the rulings of religion, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
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Conditions for Hajj

The conditions for the performance of the pilgrimage to Islam, so that non-Muslim may perform the rituals of Hajj. Wise, crazy person is not expensive to perform Hajj. Puberty, since there is no Hajj for the boy, and if he forbids the Hajj, it is valid for him, but his argument is not invalidated if he reaches it. Freedom, Hajj is not imposed on the slave. The ability of money, body, and pilgrimage is imposed on every Muslim capable. There are two other special conditions for women, namely, the obligation to have a mahram with them, as well as not to be accustomed to divorce or death, so that the Hajj can be performed later after the end of the kit.
