
Showing posts from January, 2018

Omar between Safa and Marwa

It is the sight of three scholars, and the most correct of these statements is that it is one of its pillars. The difference is Imam Ahmad's hadeeth. Two narrations are described about it, one of which is that it is a pillar of pilgrimage, and the second year is one year, and therefore,  Umrah Package December 2017  should not leave the blood and Allah said: "These ", Guy / 158. Imam Hanib narrated that Hadith is obligatory, which is the judge of Abubali. He said: "This is a duty and not an evil. If he leaves it, then he should have blood." It is also done by Abu Muhammad ibn Quddada, but the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described his words and actions, as a corner of the pilgrimage. Standing in the corner of the Grand Corner If the time of 'Arafah comes, the person who has the ihraam must stay from the place where he resides in Makkah after performing the ihraam procedures, but the individual and the kaafir do not need to have a...

Islamic Hadith and the United Nations General Administration

Islamic Hadith and the United Nations General Administration Hajjways are provided free charge and there is no permission to perform any other activities besides performing Hajj during their stay in Saudi Arabia. Their habitat ends and ends with maximum (15) mahram. It begins with the start of the Shalal month and every hijacker ends up to the 25th day of the smoke. The last date for the arrival of Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi kingdom is: The last date of entering into the kingdom for the pilgrims coming from the earth (30) is the purpose of every pilgrimage. The last date for entering the United Kingdom for air-moving pilgrims is the end of every six-year-old blazing month.

The pillars of Hajj

The pillars of Hajj The haraam is the first pillar of Hajj, which is intended to enter Hajj, and it is obligatory to respect the duties of Ramadaan: Arafat from Makkah,  Cheapest Umrah Packages UK    and it is divided into two parts: Zamani: In the month, Hajj, Shaalal, Zulqada and Dhal Hajj My place: These places where there will be loss of pilgrimage, there are five places: the city's population, the valley of the people of the city, Volumem: the people of Yemen and the surrounding or passing passengers: Egypt, Egypt, and around or through Iraq and Khorasan's center of intersections and souls, pass through the north or through, through hangled private and guided people of great train. Anxiety of the collapse: A man does not wear good clothes, nor does the woman wear nose and gloves. Praise God, and there is no partner for you. Hajj is obligatory during Hajj when the pilgrimage begins. Day of Judgment On the day of Arafah, the day of Arafah is the basis of Hajj whic...

Information about Hajj

Information about Hajj Hajj in the language means the purpose of the great thing and its end, and in Islam means the purpose of Mecca, to perform rituals with the intention of worship to God, and in the specific season of each year, one of the best worship at the Lord of the Worlds, comes back from the Hajj as a new baby, It is an educational journey in which the pilgrim learns the rulings of religion, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Conditions for Hajj The conditions for the performance of the pilgrimage to Islam, so that non-Muslim may perform the rituals of Hajj. Wise, crazy person is not expensive to perform Hajj. Puberty, since there is no Hajj for the boy, and if he forbids the Hajj, it is valid for him, but his argument is not invalidated if he reaches it. Freedom, Hajj is not imposed on the slave. The ability of money, body, and pilgrimage is imposed on every Muslim capable. There are two other special condit...

Error in ihram

The worship of God alone is the very existence, which is the reason for our happiness in this world and the Hereafter, and whenever the slave made his effort to supply them and perform them to the fullest, he became closer to God Almighty,   Cheap Umrah Deals UK   and loved him and raised him in two degrees. It is the first thing that the slave must commit himself to before doing worship, learning and understanding in its rulings. Allaah has described the followers of His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with insight into the work. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning) Yusuf: 108) Any knowledge. It is a sin and a great failure to submit a slave to the worship of his Lord, with his ignorance of that worship, and he is able to remove that ignorance and enlighten his insight into the religion of God. We liked to do our role in raising the nation's awareness of the laws of God, including the Hajj, which was the axis, and we reviewed som...